Latest Coachella Valley Water Conservation News2021-01-20T10:26:14-08:00

Cut Back On Water During The Cooler Months

As November brings cooler weather to the desert, use less water in your landscaping to avoid wasting water. Plants and grass use less water during the fall and winter seasons. Gradually reduce watering as temperatures continue to drop. Reducing water use is the best way to do your part to save water for future generations. For example, in November, grass only needs about four minutes daily. Similarly, in December, water agencies recommend only three minutes per day. If your soil does not absorb water quickly, divide watering times into multiple [...]

Thank A Water Professional!

Safe and reliable water is essential to our daily lives, yet we often don’t think about how this precious resource gets to our tap. It takes a team of people to deliver the water you depend on to cook, clean, bathe, garden and use every day. California celebrates Water Professionals Appreciation Week from October 5 – 13, 2024. The annual event provides an opportunity to thank the devoted water professionals who work to make sure you have water when you need it. […]

Applications Now Being Accepted For Water Counts Academy 2025!

CV Water Counts is gearing up for the ninth course of the Water Counts Academy, designed for community leaders in the Coachella Valley who want to learn about local water resources. This comprehensive course will cover a variety of topics and although subject to change, may include: Course Overview; The History of Water; Groundwater, Streams and Imported Water; Colorado River Water; State Overview, Climate Change; Regional Planning & SGMA; Local Conservation Efforts and Incentives, and Making Conservation in the Coachella Valley A Way of Life; Water Quality & Regulations; [...]

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