Below is a list of rebates and programs that are available from our Valley’s water agencies. Be sure to check this page regularly for updates, or with your water provider here for rebates in your area!

Rebates from your water agency can be a great way to beautify your home, save money, and save water too! Check out some of our Valley’s Rebate Before & After photos here!



Smart Irrigation Controllers: Residential customers can apply for free smart controllers. HOA and commercial customers can receive a refund of 75% of the controller cost, up to $10,000 per project.

Landscape Conversion: Residential customers can receive $3 per square-foot of turf removed, up to 10,000 square feet per project. HOA and commercial customers can receive $3 per square-foot of turf removed, up to 25,000 square feet per project.

Nozzle Replacement: Residential, HOA and commercial customers may be eligible for a rebate of up to $4 for each high-efficiency rotary nozzle installed, to replace less efficient, traditional fixed or adjustable arc spray nozzles.

Irrigation Upgrade: HOA and commercial customers may receive rebates for replacing overhead spray heads, adjustable bubblers, emitters with subsurface/in-line drip tubing and non-adjustable, pressure compensating bubblers and emitters. The rebate pays 50 cents per square foot of converted irrigated area.


Residential Indoor Water Kit: CVWD’s free Indoor Water Conservation Kit is designed to assist homeowners to conserve water inside the home. Free kits are available to eligible homeowners on a first-come, first-served basis.

High-Efficiency Toilet Program: Residents can receive up to a $100 rebate plus the $10 recycling fee for installing a high efficiency toilet. Businesses, such as hotels, can receive a rebate of half the cost of the new high-efficiency toilets and installation, up to $140 per toilet. Waterless urinals are also eligible for a $140 rebate. Requires pre-approval.

High-Efficiency Washing Machine: Residential customers can receive a rebate of up to $150 for installing a new high-efficiency washing machine. Qualifying washing machines must be an Energy Star certified high-efficiency model with an integrated water factor of 4.5 or less.

Hot Water Recirculating Pump: Residential customers can receive a rebate for installing a Hot Water Recirculating Pump in their home. These pumps save water and energy by reducing the wait time for hot water to arrive at the faucet or shower. CVWD offers a maximum $125 rebate, or the cost of the recirculating pump, whichever is less.

Some programs require pre-approval.

For more information, visit CVWD’s website here.


Turf Removal Program: Up to $3,000 back to replace grass with desert landscape or artificial turf. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Smart Irrigation Controller Program: Rebates are available to cover the cost of a smart irrigation controller. These controllers help maintain a beautiful landscape by automatically adjusting irrigation settings based on local weather conditions. Rebates for the controllers will be available on a first-come, first-served basis while funding lasts.

Toilet Rebate Program: Up to $150 toward the purchase of a more efficient model using 1.28 gallons or less per flush. Rebates for high-efficiency toilets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis while funding lasts.

For more information, visit CWA’s website here.


Grass Removal: $3 per square foot to replace grass with desert landscape or artificial turf.

Smart Controllers: Up to $250 (residential) and $10,000 (large-scale) for WiFi models or weather sensors.

Nozzles/Irrigation Heads: Up to $7 per nozzle, rotating spray heads and fixed-rate bubblers.

Washing Machine: Up to $250 on Energy Star certified efficient models.

Toilets: Up to $100 per toilet for businesses with a minimum of 10 toilets.

For more information, visit DWA’s website here.


Turf Removal: Artificial turf will no longer be a reimbursable expense. Customers may still replace turf with artificial turf, but this expense will not be covered by the rebate program. Residential customers that plant one (1) new native tree for every 250 square feet (SF) of turf removed will get $3 per SF (up to a maximum of 10,000 SF) OR Residential customers that do not plant a native tree as part of the turf removal project will get $2 per SF (up to a maximum of 10,000 SF). Approved commercial conversions receive $2 per SF of grass removed, up to a maximum of $60,000. Terms and conditions apply. Turf must be present at the time of pre-inspection by IWA to qualify for rebate; in other words, grass must not be removed until IWA approves the rebate application. Turf conversions larger than 2,500 SF are subject to additional landscape requirements and review by IWA and the City of Indio Community Development Department.

Irrigation Upgrades: Residential accounts can receive up to $750 while commercial accounts can receive up to $1,500 for above-ground irrigation upgrades, including smart controllers, high-efficiency nozzles, drip irrigation, etc. IWA does not pay for underground parts and labor. Pre-approval by IWA is required prior to starting a project in order to receive a rebate.

Toilet Rebate: Buy a toilet with a gallons per flush of 1.28 or lower and you may be eligible to receive up to $150 per toilet; the maximum is two (2) toilets per residential account. This rebate does not require pre-approval but terms and conditions apply. Proof of purchase and installation and a recycling receipt are required. Commercial accounts may be approved for higher number of toilets; urinals qualify.

Clothes Washer Rebate: Clothes washer with a water factor of 6 or less may be eligible for a rebate of $150; rebate is limited to one (1) per account. No pre-approval required. However, please ensure that you take at least two photos of your old washer showing the placement and the label (make/model) before it is replaced.


Residential Toilet Rebate Program: Up to $100 per toilet to eligible homeowners on a first-come, first-served basis (limited to the number of toilets in a household). Customers must recycle the old toilets. Customer must provide a receipt as proof of purchase and a receipt as proof of recycling. New toilets must use 1.28 gallons per flush or less.

Commercial Program: For terms and conditions, please contact MSWD at 760.329.6448, extension 120 or 145.

Turf Removal Rebate Program: MSWD offers rebates of $2 per square foot for turf replacement. Residential customers can receive up to $3,000 in rebates and $10,000 for commercial customers.

Clothes Washer Rebate Program: Efficient washing machines use less water. Purchase a new water-efficient washer with a six (6) or lower water factor. Eligible models qualify for a $150 rebate, which is limited to one per account every seven years. MSWD does not provide a list of eligible brands or products.

Smart Controller Rebate Program: Upgrade your irrigation system with a weather-based smart irrigation controller featuring rain shut-off capability. Reimbursement Amounts: Single-family Home: Up to $150 for the device; Up to $100 for professional installation. Commercial or HOA: Up to $5,000 (MSWD reimburses 100% of the first $2,500 spent and 75% of remaining costs up to $5,000); Up to $750 for professional installation.

For more information, visit MSWD’s website here.


Residential Turf Conversion Rebate Program: $3.00 per square foot for residential projects and $2.00 per square foot for HOAs and commercial properties as of July 1, 2024. Eligible project areas must meet the following criteria:

  • Existing green or golden-brown lawn
  • Must be a minimum of 50 square feet, up to a maximum of 2,000 square feet for residential and up to 5,000 square feet for HOAs and commercial properties.
  • Grass must be replaced with a combination of desert-friendly plants and permeable landscape surfaces and at least 20% of converted area must be covered by plant life.
  • Artificial turf, concrete, or other hardscape projects are not acceptable

Requires pre-approval.

Visit MDWC’s website here to review the Terms and Conditions before you apply and to download/complete an application. Projects are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Be sure to check this page regularly for updates, or with your water provider here for rebates in your area!