Did you know there are more than a hundred ways to save water? And some of them are really easy. Here’s just a few!
Indoor Tips
Changing your behavior around the house can save on monthly water bills, and help protect a precious resource.

Just a few more Indoor Tips include:
Outdoor Tips
Most water used in the Coachella Valley is outdoors. Make sure that you’re doing what you can in the yard to stop water waste.

Just a few more Outdoor Tips include:
State Prohibition and Requirements
The following actions are currently prohibited by the State:
• Using water to wash sidewalks and driveways
• Causing water run-off with irrigation
• Using a hose without a shut-off nozzle to wash a car
• Using fountains or water features that do not recirculate
• Watering when it is raining and 48 hours after measurable rain
For more resources with water-saving tips, check out these sites from water-wise friends all over the world.
Our friends from down under, in Australia, have put together 101 easy ways to saved water. They’ve included everything from small acts you can do every day, to permanent adjustments you can make around the home.
An interactive web page and video (here) from our friends in England that takes you through a typical day of water use. The U.K.’s measurements are metric, but the ways to save water are universal.
A home water conservation guide for parents with children.
A California statewide, water conservation program designed to make water conservation a daily habit among Californians.
A water conservation guide for homeowners.
Conservation tips for kids, and a list of additional resources to help be water-wise.
Water savings tips from our friends ‘up north’ in Santa Cruz County, California.
Conservation information that helps to maximize water savings inside and outside of the home.
A simple guide to indoor and outdoor water conservation.