Is conserving water and saving money one of your new year resolutions? It sure is on the top of our list! Simple changes can lead to big savings, let us help you get started with a FREE conservation kit.
Water conservation kits include components like low-flow showerheads, faucet aerators, toilet tank displacement devices, and leak detection tablets, which all work to significantly reduce the amount of water used in everyday household activities like showering, washing dishes, and flushing the toilet, essentially allowing you to use less water without compromising functionality. Most water conservation kit components are designed to be easily installed by homeowners without requiring professional plumbing services.
MSWD customers can request a FREE Conservation Kit featuring a high-efficiency showerhead, sink aerators, water-saving tips, and much more! Simply send an email to Remember to include your mailing address and account number, and MSWD will send a kit to you!
Conservation Kits are also available to Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) customers. Kits include a shower head, garden hose nozzle, moisture meter, and may other water-saving devices! You will just need your CVWD account number to apply. Visit the Rebates page for more information.
Desert Water Agency (DWA) also offers Conservation Kits to their customers. Kits include a garden hose nozzle, a kitchen faucet aerator, toilet leak-detection dye tablets, and more! Visit DWA’s Conservation Kits page for more information.
If you’re not sure who your water agency is, be sure to check out the CVWaterCounts Water Map.