Every April, Earth Day is an opportunity to think about and reduce our footprint on the environment. With a statewide drought on the horizon, it’s a great time to push yourself to think about your water use. Step up to the challenge by taking a water conservation pledge at mywaterpledge.com – it only takes a minute.

The pledge is tailored to you! You choose from a menu of ways to save.

Here are ten ways you can pledge to save:

  1. Beautify with climate appropriate plants
  2. Uses sprinklers on minimal settings before 8 am
  3. Turn off sprinklers when it rains
  4. Use low-flow devices
  5. Power wash or sweep instead of hose
  6. Repair leaking faucets, pipes and toilet
  7. Shorten your shower
  8. Wash only full loads of laundry and dishes
  9. Use a refillable bottle or cup
  10. Waste less food (a good deal of water goes into growing and processing food)

Remember to celebrate Earth Day on April 22 and check out this animated, short video. It’s exciting to note that, since this video was made in 2016, 52 more countries have joined in celebrating Earth Day, for a total of 193 countries.