Water is our most precious resource. Conserving water is a way of life. Through awareness and education, all residents, businesses, and government can do their part in preserving our local water resources.
Being water-wise is easier than you think. Visit our SAVE page for conservation tips, a handy outdoor watering guide, rebates offered by your water agency, and more!
Our News
Don’t Get Caught In A Holiday Fog
With the holiday season just around the corner, many families are looking forward to their annual gatherings with traditional meals. It is important to [...]
Cut Back On Water During The Cooler Months
As November brings cooler weather to the desert, use less water in your landscaping to avoid wasting water. Plants and grass use less water [...]
Coachella Valley Garden Day 2023
Just like that… it’s suddenly October! Someone has turned down the heat and Garden Day event is on the horizon! This yearly event is [...]