Water is our most precious resource. Conserving water is a way of life. Through awareness and education, all residents, businesses, and government can do their part in preserving our local water resources.
Being water-wise is easier than you think. Visit our SAVE page for conservation tips, a handy outdoor watering guide, rebates offered by your water agency, and more!
Our News
Imagine a Day without Water
Imagine waking up and there’s no water for a shower or to brush your teeth. You can’t wash your hands and forget making a [...]
Landscaping Tip Of The Month: Create A Desert Friendly Garden
Even tough native plants require regular irrigation when they are first planted. It may take up to two summers before they are considered established. [...]
Celebrate National Indoor Plant Week!
September 16-22, 2024 Welcome to National Indoor Plant Week, a time to embrace the beauty and benefits of indoor greenery! Whether you have a [...]