Landscaping Tip Of The Month: Consider Container Plants
Large clay pots filled with resilient cacti, succulents or bright flowers can bring color, shape, and a focal point to your landscape. Opt for pots without a shiny glaze, as they tend to show dirt and require frequent cleaning. You can arrange container plants near a front porch, back patio, alongside the spa, or line them up under the eaves of your home. Source:
Plant Of The Month: Weeping Bottlebrush (Callistemon Viminalis)
A freely branching evergreen, the weeping bottlebrush has pendulous branches that become covered with magnificent, red, bottlebrush flowers in midspring and summer. It’s an attractive small tree that grows at a moderate rate from 20 to 30 feet high with a 15-foot spread. […]
Stay Tuned! Water Quality Reports Coming Soon
Each year, by July 1, thanks to the EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Act, water agencies provide a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) also known as an Annual Drinking Water Quality Report. These reports provide customers a general overview of the water quality for the preceding calendar year. Keep your eye out for a notification from your water provider regarding this year’s Annual Drinking Water Quality Report. […]
Where Does Your Water Come From?
Though we live in the desert, the Coachella Valley is very fortunate to have high quality, local water resources. Unlike Orange County, San Diego and many other Southern California population centers, our valley has a remarkable, naturally occurring water source right below our feet. This source, the Coachella Valley Groundwater Basin, helps keep water service reliable – and water rates affordable – for the 600,000 residents that call the valley home, and the 3.5 million tourists that visit us each year. The Coachella Valley Groundwater Basin is a large underground [...]
Landscaping Tip Of The Month: Mulch To Save Water
Covering the soil with a layer of organic material prevents soil from crusting, which reduces the need to cultivate. Mulching also improves soil structure and lowers soil temperatures. […]
May In Your Desert Garden
Given Coachella Valley’s hot summers and naturally dry climate, wise desert gardeners follow water-efficient gardening principles. […]