10 Landscaping Tips for the Coachella Valley
With the recent announcement from the State of California calling on us all to do our part and make conservation a way a life, and with April being National Garden Month, this month features not just one, but ten ways to conserve water in your home landscape […]
Think About Saving Water This Earth Day
Earth Day is April 22 and is a great opportunity to think about how you can be more eco-friendly. […]
Plant of the Month: Cleveland Sage, Chaparral Sage (Salvia Clevelandii)
This sage is native to California’s rugged coastal chaparral, and is surprisingly well adapted to the tough, low-desert climate. Most plants reach 4 feet high and 5 feet or more wide. Fragrant blue flowers develop in whorls on stems in spring. […]
April is National Garden Month
Early spring is when pollinators start searching for nectar. This April for National Garden Month, think about creating a water-wise pollinator garden to attract birds, bees and butterflies. […]
Statewide Drought May Lead to Local Watering Restrictions
California is in its third consecutive dry year, with little rainfall, low snowpack and reservoirs at or near historic lows. We also had a record-dry January and February – which are typically big months for rain and snow. […]
Landscaping Tip of the Month: Protect and Conserve Groundwater
Groundwater is the water found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand and rock. It is stored in and moves slowly through geologic formations of soil, sand and rocks called aquifers. There’s no better time to think about the ways we can protect and conserve groundwater than in March during Groundwater Awareness Week. […]