Plant of the Month: Firecracker Plant (Russelia Esquisetiformis)
The firecracker plant is a dramatic, sprawling shrub that can grow up to 4 feet high and up to 6 feet wide, with a canopy coverage that can be up to 28 square feet. When in flower in spring and early summer, it takes the center stage in the landscape. […]
Making Water Conservation a Way of Life
The valley’s six public agencies have worked with each other for decades. But 14 years ago, they formed the Coachella Valley Regional Water Management Group to: Reduce water demand Increase our region’s water supply Improve regional water quality Serve as stewards of our shared water resource Improve efficiency and flexibility […]
Landscaping Tip of the Month: Put Your Vegetable or Herb Garden on its Own Irrigation Zone
A vegetable or herb garden should be on its own irrigation zone. Drip irrigation is an option, but specialty devices such as in-line drippers, multi-heads or irrigation tape can also be used. Check your garden daily when the system is first installed to be certain plants are receiving adequate moisture. Once the winter garden is established, watering may be required only two to three times per week, depending on soil type and the garden’s exposure. […]
Keep Fogs and Wipes Out of Sewer Pipes
Have you ever heard of the term FOG? They are sticky fats, oils and grease used for cooking. They also stick to each other and can clog your home’s plumbing if they go down the drain. […]
Plant of the Month: Yellow Orchid Vine (Mascagnia Macroptera)
(Callaeum macropterum) This is a twining vine with small, interesting, medium green leaves. It’s best to use a trellis, chain-link fence or any upright support. It accepts some shade. […]
Take Advantage of Cooler Seasonal Temperatures
As November brings cooler weather to the desert, use less water in your landscaping to avoid wasting water. […]