Latest Coachella Valley Water Conservation News2021-01-20T10:26:14-08:00

Plant Of The Month: Calylophus Hartwegii

The Calylophus is a clumping groundcover that produces masses of beautiful yellow flowers up to two inches wide. It blooms in spring, summer and into fall. It can grow to one and a half feet high and can spread to two feet wide, with a canopy coverage up to three square feet. The leaves are narrow and bright green. It is very attractive when tucked in among boulders or massed in clusters. It’s recommended to plant it in soil that has good drainage. When trimming, cut it back to 8 [...]

Landscaping Tip of the Month: Use Plants with Similar Water Needs

It’s difficult to keep a landscape healthy and water efficient if you mix plants with low, moderate and high water needs within the same irrigation zone. Something’s going to wilt from too little water or turn yellow, rot and die from too much. Select hardy desert-adapted plants that require little water and love full and partial sun. Set the irrigation system to water deeply and infrequently and every plant will thrive. […]

Agency Spotlight: Indio Water Authority

The Indio Water Authority (IWA) was formed as a Joint Powers Authority in 2000 with the mission to provide customers with a sustainable water supply through fiscal and operational stewardship. IWA’s service area covers the city of Indio, which is approximately 33 square miles and in 2020, supplied approximately 19,880-acre feet (6.5 billion gallons) of water to businesses and residents. As one of the fastest-growing cities in the Coachella Valley, IWA is committed to meet both current (over 26,000 service connections) and growing needs of the city. IWA focuses its [...]

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