Recent rain and snowstorms have brought some relief, but not enough to get us out of drought. A few months of the wet season still remain, which typically is from November through March. Despite the early rain and snowstorms, we are still in a drought. Water is a limited natural resource and we need to continue to practice conservation as a way of life.

Last month, the State Water Resources Control Board re-adopted emergency regulations that bolsters California’s conservation efforts by prohibiting wasteful water practices. We need to continue following the water use restrictions set by the state, as well as the actions listed in Stage 2 of our water shortage contingency plans that was adopted by each of the water agencies.

Some of the water use restrictions currently in effect include the following:

  • Outdoor spray irrigation is prohibited during daylight hours.
  • No watering of non-functional turf at commercial, institutional and industrial areas. Non-functional turf means turf that is solely decorative. It does not include areas that are used for recreation or civic community events or turf areas with trees.
  • Timely repair of broken sprinklers.

Each of the water agencies offer rebates for turf removal and water efficient devices to support conservation efforts. To see what rebates are available from your water agency, visit our rebates page here.