Water is our most precious resource. Conserving water is a way of life. Through awareness and education, all residents, businesses, and government can do their part in preserving our local water resources.
Being water-wise is easier than you think. Visit our SAVE page for conservation tips, a handy outdoor watering guide, rebates offered by your water agency, and more!
Our News
Landscaping Tip of the Month: Avoid Over-Fertilizing
In many parts of the Coachella Valley, sandy soils and rock-and-sand soil combinations are common. They have excellent drainage, but tremendous amounts of water [...]
Landscaping Tip Of The Month: Cooler Temperatures Mean It’S Time To Use Less Water
Now that winter is here, our temperatures are cooler, and that means we can gradually reduce watering times to avoid wasting water. Plants and [...]
Plant Of The Month: Desert Spoon, Sotol (Dasylirion Wheeleri)
The desert spoon, sotol is an outstanding accent plant that grows slowly, eventually developing a trunk. At maturity, it reaches 4 to 6 feet [...]