Agency Spotlight: Myoma Dunes Mutual Water Company
Myoma Dunes Mutual Water Company (MDMWC) continues to provide clean and reliable drinking water to its customers, and has been for more than seven decades. MDMWC is a small mutual water company serving approximately 2,500 residents in Bermuda Dunes (an unincorporated area of Riverside County, formally called Myoma Dunes) since 1953 and later a portion of the La Quinta area since 2005. The community is served from five company owned water wells located within the same service area. […]
New Year’S Resolution? Make Conservation A Way Of Life In 2025
Is conserving water and saving money one of your new year resolutions? It sure is on the top of our list! Simple changes can lead to big savings, let us help you get started with a FREE conservation kit. […]
Help Us Celebrate National Engineers Week!
Engineering is the cornerstone of human progress, driving innovation and shaping our world. Through a blend of science, creativity, and problem-solving, engineers tackle complex challenges to improve lives and advance society. Engineers are pivotal in shaping the future, from designing sustainable infrastructure to developing cutting-edge technology. […]
Landscaping Tip Of The Month: Understand The Irrigation And Pruning Connection
The relationship of irrigation and pruning is a close one. The amount of water applied directly affects the amount of pruning needed. Overwater, and growth can be too lush and succulent. Underwater, and plants become stressed, reducing healthy growth and inviting attacks from pests and diseases. […]
Plant Of The Month: Teddy Bear Cholla (Opuntia Bigelovii)
Don’t be fooled by the common name teddy bear cholla – this cacti is far from cuddly. On the contrary, it is hands-down one of the best choices as a security or barrier plant. It can grow from three to six feet high, and three feet wide. Its canopy coverage can be up to seven square feet. […]
Where Does the Coachella Valley’s Water Come From?
Here in the Coachella Valley, our water comes from four sources: groundwater recycled water imported water from the State Water Project, and the Colorado River via the Coachella Canal, a branch of the All-American Canal. […]