Cut Back On Water During The Cooler Months
As November brings cooler weather to the desert, use less water in your landscaping to avoid wasting water. Plants and grass use less water during the fall and winter seasons. Gradually reduce watering as temperatures continue to drop. Reducing water use is the best way to do your part to save water for future generations. For example, in November, grass only needs about four minutes daily. Similarly, in December, water agencies recommend only three minutes per day. If your soil does not absorb water quickly, divide watering times into multiple [...]
Coachella Valley Garden Day 2023
Just like that… it’s suddenly October! Someone has turned down the heat and Garden Day event is on the horizon! This yearly event is organized by the Desert Horticultural Society and is FREE. Garden Day will take place on Saturday, October 21 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the UCR campus in Palm Desert (parking is free, too). […]
Landscaping Tip Of The Month: A Vegetable Or Herb Garden Should Be On Its Own Irrigation Zone
Drip irrigation is an option for vegetable or herb gardens, but specialty devices such as in-line drippers, multi-heads or irrigation tape can also be used. Check your garden daily when the system is first installed to be certain plants are receiving adequate moisture. […]
Imagine Just One Day Without Water
From the first drip of the coffee maker in the morning to brushing your teeth before bed, water is central to our daily routine. We use it to check items off the to-do list (cooking dinner, doing dishes, wiping down the table). We also use it to treat ourselves (a hot tub soak or steam-filled shower). It is both necessary and rejuvenating. On October 20, water providers across the country challenge people to “Imagine a Day Without Water.” […]
Plant Of The Month: Twin-Flowered Agave (Agave Geminiflora)
With narrow, medium green leaves that have sharp tips but toothless edges, the Twin-Flowered Agave, or Agave Geminiflora, is a beautiful addition to any desert landscape. Occasionally, the leaves are graced with fine white marginal fibers. Solitary plants reach 3 feet high and 3 feet wide, with a canopy coverage of 7 square feet. […]
Thank You Water Workers
Water is a precious and vital resource. Communities and the economy thrive and grow thanks to the availability of safe and reliable water. It takes a team of experts to make sure water gets to your tap. […]