Landscaping Tip Of The Month: Cooler Temperatures Mean It’S Time To Use Less Water
Now that winter is here, our temperatures are cooler, and that means we can gradually reduce watering times to avoid wasting water. Plants and grass do not need much water during the late fall, winter, and early spring seasons. […]
Plant Of The Month: Desert Spoon, Sotol (Dasylirion Wheeleri)
The desert spoon, sotol is an outstanding accent plant that grows slowly, eventually developing a trunk. At maturity, it reaches 4 to 6 feet high, and spreads up to 5 feet wide, with a canopy coverage of up to 20 square feet. Its narrow, gray-green leaves are sharply toothed along the edges. […]
Live Water Wise
Climate shifts are creating changes in our weather, temperatures, and our water supply. It’s important for us to save water wherever we can – and to make water conservation a way of life. […]
Cv Water Counts Academy 2024: Apply By Friday, January 12!
CV Water Counts is gearing up for the eighth course of the Water Counts Academy, designed for community leaders in the Coachella Valley who want to learn about local water resources. This comprehensive course covers the different services and uses of water in the Coachella Valley. Students will also learn how local water agencies carefully manage this precious resource. The in-person program will begin in late January, and will include four classes which will be held at UCR Palm Desert, and one half-day tour. The application deadline is Friday, January [...]
Plant Of The Month: Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum Jasminoides)
This vine grows to 30 feet and has lustrous, deep green, leathery foliage. It is most admired for its masses of white, highly perfumed, star-shaped flowers, which bloom most heavily in spring. […]
Landscaping Tip of the Month: Color Can Come from Anywhere
There are plenty of hardy low-maintenance, low-water-use cactus and succulents that color a landscape without trimming or raking. […]