Water is our most precious resource. Conserving water is a way of life. Through awareness and education, all residents, businesses, and government can do their part in preserving our local water resources.
Being water-wise is easier than you think. Visit our SAVE page for conservation tips, a handy outdoor watering guide, rebates offered by your water agency, and more!
Our News
Dehydration More Dangerous in the Colder Temperatures
In the cooler months here in the desert, it is important to remember to stay hydrated! Studies have shown that you are at an [...]
Agency Spotlight: Indio Water Authority
The Indio Water Authority (IWA) was formed as a Joint Powers Authority in 2000 with the mission to provide customers with a sustainable water [...]
Landscaping Tip Of The Month: Do Your Homework
Before you plan your garden and buy your plants, do your homework. Visit nurseries and gardens for ideas. Choose plants for their hardiness to cold, [...]