There’s so much to learn, when it comes to water. Below is an introduction to water here in the Coachella Valley.
Where Does Your Water Come From?
Though we live in the desert, the Coachella Valley is very fortunate to have high quality, local water resources. Unlike many other Southern California areas, which must import water from hundreds of miles away in the northern part of the state, our valley has a remarkable, naturally occurring water source right below our feet.
This source, the Coachella Valley Groundwater Basin, helps keep water service reliable – and water rates affordable – for the 600,000 residents who call the valley home, and the 3.5 million tourists who visit us each year.

Other Water Sources
Colorado River water is channeled into our region by the Coachella Canal, which is operated by Coachella Valley Water District. In addition to basin replenishment, this water is used along with other sources (including recycled water) to irrigate many valley golf courses and farms. Desert Water Agency also treats and distributes surface water from local creeks in Palm Springs.
The Coachella Valley Groundwater Basin is a large underground aquifer – a body of permeable rock that stores water – 500 to 1,300 feet below the valley floor. The basin is replenished with rainwater, San Jacinto snowmelt, and water from the Colorado River. It holds about 39 million acre feet of water, or about 13 trillion gallons! That’s enough water to fill 20 million Olympic-sized swimming pools.
What is one acre foot of water?

Protecting These Resources
Having a local water supply doesn’t mean we can afford to be irresponsible with our water use. That’s why the Coachella Valley’s six public water agencies (Coachella Valley Water District, Coachella Water Authority, Desert Water Agency, Indio Water Authority, Mission Springs Water District, and Myoma Dunes Water Company) are working together to preserve and protect our water supply.
This means investing in recycled water and using Colorado River water to reduce demand on the aquifer. It also means empowering our greatest ally – you, the local water user – by giving you the tools and information you need to use water efficiently.
Responsible water use will help you keep your bills as low as possible, while ensuring that a reliable water supply is available for future generations.

Help Your Trees Thrive
With watering restrictions in place, some residents turn off their irrigation systems. While these intentions are good, no one wants to see trees die. The TRIC system is something that you can put together yourself to help your trees thrive. To view or download information on TRIC, click on the tree. For additional details, visit UC Davis California Center for Urban Horticulture page here.
CV Water Counts Academy
The Water Counts Academy is designed for current and emerging leaders in the Coachella Valley who want to learn about the lifeblood of our valley — its water resources. We are excited to offer this comprehensive course that will cover the history, use and management of water here in the Coachella Valley.
To find our more, click here.

Landscaper Certification
City regulations requires that landscapers complete two courses through College of the Desert every year in order to renew their business license. The courses are free of charge. Find out more here.

Parents, Teachers, and Kids of all Ages
If you want to learn more about water – or want to teach others – below are a few water websites you might want to check out, thanks to our water-wise friends from all over the world.
Communications materials that demonstrate the value of water and wastewater service, and the need for infrastructure investment.
Created by the American Water Works Association, the largest nonprofit, scientific and educational association dedicated to managing and treating water.
Basic and clear information regarding drinking water and the environment.
Water education products that connect what we do on land to what happens in our reivers, lakes, oceans, and groundwater.
In collaboration with The Weather Channel, this site helps to raise awareness about the issue of global clean water scarcity.
Classroom-ready teaching aids for water resources awareness.
Comprehensive water crisis lesson plans for teachers in elementary through high school. Water Education Posters
The U.S. Geological Survey’s educations outreach program. Water Science School
An interactive center focusing on many aspects of water.
An online water encyclopedia from the Water Education Foundation.