Latest Coachella Valley Water Conservation News2021-01-20T10:26:14-08:00

Landscaping Tip Of The Month: Create A Desert Friendly Garden

Even tough native plants require regular irrigation when they are first planted. It may take up to two summers before they are considered established. Fast-draining soils and frequent drying winds cause new plants to dry out quickly, so be sure to pay special attention to their moisture needs during these times. […]

Plant Of The Month: Mexican Evening Primrose (Oenothera Berlandieri)

The Mexican Evening Primrose is a colorful, upright groundcover for small spaces. It is an aggressive plant that spreads by underground runners. It will happily invade nearby plantings, particularly those receiving regular irrigation. It is highly recommended to plant only where it can be contained. It grows to approximately 1 foot high and can spread to about 4 feet wide, with 1.5-inch, rose-pink blossoms that are abundant late spring into summer. For best performance, cut it back prior to bloom in late winter, then again after flowering ceases. It is [...]

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