The areas around pools and patios are some of the most difficult places to landscape attractively and for low water and low maintenance. Such locations can be less than ideal for a plant’s health. Pools add reflected light from the water and hot concrete decking to the already seasonal high heat. Pool water treated with chlorine my splash on plants, injuring or killing them.

Patios are difficult because a portion of the earth for plant roots is covered by a large, non-porous surface. But there are still ample plants available for these sites, especially if you follow a few guidelines.

The landscape around a pool becomes more appealing when you use plants that are dramatic in form, texture or color. Avoid using plants with thorns, for obvious reasons, as well as those that produce high litter. All plants produce some litter, but some plants are messier than others. To reduce continuous problems with sweeping, raking and fishing leaves and debris out of the water, be sure the plants you select pass the low-litter test.

Palms are among the most favored trees for around pools. And, in planting areas near a pool, creeping groundcovers are both functional and visually appealing. Select species that root along the branches. This stabilizes the soil, which helps keep dirt from blowing into the pool. Include some taller plants to partner with the groundcover to create more interest. Adding a few boulders or statuary completes the scene. In addition, many lush, flowing ornamental grasses are at home around pools, especially as a backdrop.

To find out more, visit Lush and Efficient. 

Source: Lush and Efficient